segunda-feira, 21 de agosto de 2006


- Why Conservatives Can't Govern, por Alan Wolfe

- Goodbye, Blog, The friend of information but the enemy of thought, por Alan Jacobs

- Can Humanists Talk to Postmodernists?, por Mark Goldblatt

- Farewell to Warblogging (I used to think blogs would transform ideologues into nonpartisan truth-seekers. Man, was I wrong.), por Matt Welch

- The Last Judicial Idealist? (sobre Ronald Dworkin), por Carlin Romano

- The decline of New Labour and the rise of no-party politics, por Mick Hume

- PowerPoint Politics, por James Pinkerton

- Thoroughly Modern Mill (A utilitarian who became a liberal--but never understood the limits of reason), por Roger Scruton

- After the “end of history”, por Francis Fukuyama

- The Self-Inflicted Wounds of the Academic Left, por Todd Gitlin


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